If you're looking forward to the changes that will bring the new year, you will also want to know where they are going the new trends and stays on the road in Online Marketing . Here we list the trends in 2014 Web Marketing we consider most important. Let's start with that disappears in Web Design: Sliders - These banners that some time ago were very fashionable, will not be current anymore. New trend will be a single page you can see the content of the Web as you progress down. Forms with tons of fields - Thank God ! anyone likes it when they make you fill out these forms with so many fields , good news they will disappear ! Logos within circles - Using a circle on your logo is old news , it may resurface at some point but for now bye bye! Introductions with Flash - I can not believe they still exist but whats there is in danger of extinction! Use many different fonts - Everyone knows that the font you use is important, the trend is not to use more than two fonts on a Web. Difficult design - If you thought having many icons and fonts on your Web made it more interactive you were wrong . The next Web design is simple and leaves after complications . We do not want to confuse our visitors just want to show them that our website has a clean design and information they need. Speaking of information ... this means CONTENT ! Content is still king ! Content - Create Web content is valuable for brands today. You have to offer your customers quality content and give them answers. Social marketing - Social networks become an essential part of the marketing strategy of small and large businesses . Within social networks Google + is making its way , if you have no profile on Google + should start the year making it a profile on this social network that will give much to talk about. The SEO very attached to Social Networks - The more people share a piece of content , the more likely quality , so increase its position within the search results pages . It is no coincidence that the search results high ranking tend to have a lot of social actions , while the lower positions are less . Besides being used as a social stamp of approval for your visitors , if you read a blog that has plenty of tips or has been tweeted many times it is likely that there is some value in it. AuthorRank and Google Authorship - AuthorRank becomes a stronger part of the search algorithm of keywords for quality content involved. AuthorRank allows any content creator connect your published articles and other content to your Google+ profile , which also appear in the list of results of search engines . The photo of the writer 's name and Google+ profile are present in the search results to help give greater credibility to the piece of content , highlighting its author and how you can continue to follow his work in the future . Spending on paid advertising in social networks and increase google - Social paid advertising content puts your business directly in front of a target audience so it is more likely that those who see your ad are interested in . Mobile marketing is booming - Responsive Design was trend for 2013 and continues! Since there are many small and large companies that are not yet updated and still do not have their Web adapted to mobile and tablets ! Do not be left behind! Need a web design that can be seen on all types of devices. Mobile applications - Applications developed for mobile devices continue to expand its boundaries. Companies are increasingly creating their own applications. Video - We said before that sliders will no longer be cool, well what is coming is Video . A small video on your website or on social networks like Instagram or Vine is what you will see in 2014. These are the trends Capisco Marketing thinks will be stronger in 2014 do you think we 've forgotten any?