Social media is an inescapable part of our everyday life. From Facebook to Snapchat, social networks enable people to communicate in a way never before possible. If you run a business you probably know that you should be running some sort of social media campaign. But who is your social media manager?
In my line of work I run across a lot of businesses that aren't leveraging social media as they should be to maximize return. In fact, all too often I see businesses that leave their social media in the hands of an intern or the twenty-something in the office. While these people no doubt have the best intentions, and are more than likely highly active on social media, it doesn't mean they have what it takes to be a social media manager. I can cook mac n' cheese and I love to eat, but you definitely wouldn't want me as the head chef of your Michelin star restaurant.
This blog isn't meant to be a sales pitch for Capisco Marketing or our service. It is more meant to educate small businesses about what to look for when selecting someone to run their social media campaign. There are a lot of social media "guru's" out there, but what are they really offering? Here are the five most important aspects of a social media manager for you to look out for:
1. Communication
Social media is fast paced. It's more about the "now" than anything else, and this is one of the main features that sets social media marketing apart from more traditional advertising mediums. This means that your social media should reflect what is happening with your brand now.
While it is important that you keep your social media manager up to date on the latest happenings, it is also on them to communicate with you on a regular basis to figure out what is going on and what needs to be featured on your social channels. Setting up weekly or monthly meetings can resolve any communication issues, and shows that your social media manager is in step with your business goals
2. Creativity
As social media has grown over the years, so have the number of advertisers using the platforms. The competition for views and clicks is insane, and it really takes something special to get noticed.
Your social media manager should be constantly looking for ways to bring your message to your existing fans and get you noticed by new fans. Posting the same tired memes or cat videos isn't going to cut it. A good social media manager will think of interesting and engaging ways to deliver your content across social media platforms.
3. Flexibility
The gift and the curse of social media is that it happens in real time. The internet is written in ink, not pencil. Mistakes or tone deaf posts are remembered and scrutinized. We've all seen the brand that auto-posts a "funny" post on the the day of a mass shooting, or that uses 9/11 imagery to sell you a cell phone. You don't want to be that brand.
Your social media manager needs to be plugged in to the world around them. They need to be able to change their posting strategy at a moments notice.
Of course, there are many other factors that you want to look into with someone you work closely with. No matter what, you want someone that you can trust and who will do what's best for your brand. Just remember, whoever runs your social media is responsible for broadcasting your brand message to the entire world. Make sure they represent you appropriately.