Archive for October, 2013


Posted by Christopher Long

Contrary to what one might assume given the title of this article, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are not opposing marketing systems. When skill fully deployed, they often help to work together and reinforce each other.

What is SEM?
SEM is the ability to create pay per click ad campaigns (PPC) through ad platforms managed by major search engine companies, such as Yahoo or Google. With SEM you can immediately increase traffic to your website.

What is SEO?
SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website. It consists ofpreparing a website to maximize its rank on search engines for targeted keyword phrases.

The practices of search engine optimization and SEM are perfectly compatible. An SEO campaign should almost always be supported by a PPC campaign (Pay per click), but you need to understand when this combination is most opportune or when it is best to focus your efforts individually.

SEO helps to place a website in the top search results for a series of specified keywords based upon the product or service being marketed. This is called natural positioning or organic. If you do it right, SEO will give long-term results and an acceptable web visibility.

Where SEO takes time to build steam, SEM offers immediate traffic relief for your business.Companies using SEM will get the customers looking for something related to what the company is announcing at that moment.

The most important difference between SEO and SEM is time and results. With SEO work is done to get results in the long term. SEM gets results immediately.

Whether your business is best poised to benefit from SEO, SEM or both, you will enjoy increased levels of search traffic, the highest quality traffic available.

7 Social Media Myths

Posted by Christopher Long

For any business’ marketing strategy, social media is an important topic. Some will defended it to the point of believing that just being present in social media arena is sufficient while others may dubious towards its effectiveness. So, what are the real truths and myths of social media?

#1. One social media platform is the same as any other – Myth

Active usersvary in age and social levels. Between Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, there are a total of 1.2 million daily visitors, while general Internet users worldwide number around 2.267 million. By definition, all these users have different interests, goals and desires. As such, they gravitate toward different services that best fit those needs. Facebook is great for social / friendly interactions. Twitter is great for keeping up with industry paragons, and real-time news / information consumers. Instagram is great for real-time visual news and company updates. LinkedIn is a wonderful business networking and directory tool… Pheed and are the places your kids have moved on to and hang out on…. The list goes on and on.

#2. Your company should participate in as many social media networks as possible – Myth

This is another common misassumption. While everybusiness can finduseful social networks to participate in, itdoesnot mean thatevery brandneedsto be everywhere. A properly managed social media campaignmeans strategic targeting social media networks your business is tailored to thrive within then focusing your efforts to maintain those profiles to maximize impact.

# 3. Anyone can manage an effective social media campaign – Myth

It is often thought that the use of social networksisthesame as professionally managing a company’ssocial media presence. Itisnot.Properly managed social media outreach requires understand your business brand, maximize engagement, effective outreach strategies, the subtleties between the different profiles, how to leverage one’s following and how to synergize with multichannel marketing efforts. You don’t want to go with the hackneyed approach of throwing things on the wall to see what sticks. You social profiles are your company’s public face. Mismanaged orarbitrarily managed social campaigns can cause significant damage to your company’s image, brand and sale volume.

#4. Not every business is meant for social media – Truth

While it is never a bad idea to have a presence on the various social media platforms so you can be more easily found on the Web, not every business is going to thrive there. Where an entertainment based business is naturally positioned to do well, a funeral home is certainly not. So, plan ahead and deploy your efforts wisely.

#5. Followers are consumers – Myth

Having manyfollowers does not necessarily mean having many customers. A segment of your followers might not have been sincerely interested when they liked your page;another segment might be interested but not yet ready to try your product out. By properly engaging your followers, cultivating their interest and their loyalty to your brand, you will be able to develop your following into consumers of your goods and services.

#6. Communication nowadays can be reduced to social networks – Myth

Social media is only one potential component to a business’ healthy Web presence. A good website, coupled with search engine optimization, reputation management, email marketing campaigns, media buys et al. should be considered. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and look at all the various marketing channels available to identify the greatest opportunity for multichannel synergy and ROI.

#7. A platform like Facebook or Twitter can’t be used for serious purposes – Myth

We’ve all seen the endless meaningless posts of hubris, narcissism and stupidity… “I just ate the best eggs this morning”… “Jane just check into the car wash”…Tim is the new 4square mayor of In and Out Burger”… it is maddening. All of these insignificant facts have created social noise and have led some businesses to believe that popular social networks are not a serious way of doingb usiness. While this is understandable, nothing could be further from the truth. With over 840 million users on Facebook and 140 millionon Twitter, social media is a powerful marketing channel with incredible reach.

Thank you for taking the time to read our social media myths article. Check back often for more information on Web marketing tips and tricks.